United States frigate Constitution

Images 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Image of Constitution's yards

Constitution's standing rigging moving up in the world. Bowprit stays, jibboom stays, flying jib stays, top and topgallant side- and forestays, bobstays, double and triple block shifting stays and inner and outer martingales. Yards and lifts are among the latest addition.

Image of Constitution's rigging

Lower studdingsail booms have also been added and 'hinged' on the fore end of the fore- and main channels. Double and triple block shifting stays have been added to the channels. Blocks to accomodate the running rigging are starting to make their appearance left and right.

Image of Constitution continuing to being rigged

Bowprit stays, jibboom stays, flying jib stays, inner and outer martingales and topgallant forestays.

More images of her ongoing development coming soon ...


Concept, content & Design: The Art of Age of Sail